Memes today

So yeah! I have been scouring I think this meme relates too me, I mean I like the Lion King and Bear Grylls! Putting them together is a match made in.. Survival? I think when I do think about the movie Lion King, Simba did survive and he became King when he grew up and with Bear Grylls teaching us how to survive in the wild. It’s a win-win, I guess? I like it. It’s from, okay? Not from me, I don’t have a twisted mind to begin with. But this meme feels good and funny at the same time. Relate to it! I force you! Just kidding. My main logic in this meme, with Mufasa dead it would be a big waste if the “hyenas” ate him. A man needs to eat proteins to survive, Bear Grylls teaches us how to survive in the wild by eating anything and I mean anything! He eats worms and other disgusting things, right? Why not a lion, it’s free and it’s already dead. So why not? And Simba, we all know what happened to him. He won in life! That’s what is important after he beat Scar and the hyenas. So yes, that’s all! I’ll make a better analyzation next meme. 😀

New addition: meme discussions!

So yeah! I had to think up of a way to schedule my week for the blog. So I was thinking.. I am already on the internet almost the whole day everyday! I am always seeing these things pop out on the videos that I watch! Yes ohhh yes! Memes! Yup, I’m doing meme days now. What I’ll be discussing here are the nature and/or origin of the said meme that I will be posting here on the blog as my featured image. The meme becomes my featured subject for the blog and because memes are not forever, and like water. I go with the flow of trends and ride it. I just ride the tide until the tide is no more. That’s the plan! Mostly. That’s my announcement for today’s blog, I’ll be discussing one meme later on if I could find one. Who am I kidding? There’s always a meme for everyone, and there’s a new meme “invented” everyday! So this is, I think going to be fine. I’m fine! Some comic relief will do anyone good to relieve the stress in life. 

Everyday Things – 001

So yeah! Today I’m going to blog about everyday things that has happened to me. Well, today was “ride a cab” day with me and my son going to his school. I have my bag for my work and I usually work at a mall’s food court, preferably in front of a store because it makes the place more “homier” to me. I did a lot in those couple of minutes, made images for this blog, my client’s blog, podcasts, and videos. I want to learn more, I may be getting hmm.. not younger but I still want to learn. If I have a chance to learn something new, I will try and learn it as fast as I can because I really like technology and learning about trends. I don’t want to be left out on things that may be important in the future. I remember the time, when there was only pagers and there was no mobile phones before. I thought that was the coolest thing ever, paging somebody and actually meeting them in that place that was sent to you. Well the pager wasn’t mine but it was owned by my dad. I held it though, and I really liked it. I was a kid back then, but now look at where we are right now. Not only mobile phones, but smart phones! Gone are the pagers and those big phones with the big antennas.

I’m getting off-topic here, so yeah! I wanted to buy shoes, basketball shoes! Because my shoes is not just a little torn-up but a lot torn-up! The foam of the sole is already visible under my shoes so I canvassed similar high cut shoes awhile ago and to my surprise, it was not that expensive. Maybe because it’s not the classic basketball shoes that I wear, but I really really like it. I hope nobody buys before I do. I still have 2-3 weeks to earn that kind of money from my work(I don’t earn much, that’s why). I do play basketball once a week nowadays though, I have kids and my friends have work, and I really can’t accommodate anything other than that one day of free time. I play with my high school friends and some of the new friends I gained from playing basketball. It’s a good camaraderie between all of us, it’s like a brotherhood of people who are a lot busy and still learning how to be a “grown up”. We all have different jobs, different lives, but we meet on that one day to talk and ask how we are doing and more. We are still very much involved with each other’s lives. At least, I have that thing going for me. I usually stay at home, work and play with my kids most of the time.

Anyway, enough of thinking about the past or what we could have done to change what we have today. We have to look forward into the future, because the present is most important, the future can wait.

How to become the best “best friend” to your wife

So yeah! I have to admit that I am not the best husband and I haven’t been best friends with my wife. I cannot tell you how many times we fought for nonsensical things in our daily life that frankly, it’s getting too old and tiring. It makes you want to give up on the relationship, but still don’t because of the love you have for each other. So I’m going to share some things I’ve learned in the short time(7 years and counting) we’ve been together.

These are the things that you should practice in your daily married life. Heck, you can even practice this on your girlfriends. Again, these tips are only guides to keep you and your partner happy.

Be honest. Being honest to your partner as you do your friends, well your wife/girlfriend is also your friend. Don’t keep secrets from your partner as it will only hurt your relationship in the long run. It will only be harder to tell when you hide it for so long. Just be honest and everything will turn out fine. Your wife will appreciate you more, being honest with him/her.

Be positive. This is a big problem of mine, I am a very positive person and I always look on the bright side of life. Yes, that is either a blessing or a curse for the reason that I always look on the good side of people even when they’re very bad or getting worse already.

I look past that and stay at the time when that person is not like that before. Looking on the positives is a good thing but realizing that there is something wrong with the “perfect” picture that I painted for myself is not always the right thing to do. I’ve learned that it’s good  to positive all the time but on the hard times that you will have with your partner are the best ones because it will force you to grow not only as a person but also in your relationship.

Be free. Freedom! We seek for freedom, we love to be free. We are all different people, each one of us. The simple fact is that, we were not always tied up to a partner when we were growing up as kids. But we also have to remember that being married or being taken, does not always translate that we have to give up everything who we are. We have to find balance in our lives even if you do have kids(yes, that’s with an “s”), but it’s going to be taxing on you and your partner if you can’t feel rejuvenated or relax with friends once in a while. Besides, this time apart from each other, will cause you and your partner to be excited to see each other again. It will be good either way.

Be sweet. I know, I know! You were sweet, you were dreamy, you were this and that. But how about now? Yes, you can’t be sweet and surprising all the time. But you have to find time and spend some time to be sweet by writing a simple and short letter(if that’s your thing because that’s my thing), plan dinner or if you can cook pancakes or your partner’s favorite food. Then you can start with that, those simple things will mean much more to your partner, even if he/she does not show it to you right. Because the funny thing about giving gifts, there will be an unseen pressure to your partner that he/she has to somehow top it like “Wow, that was a good one. I’ve got to top that!”

Trust. Trust and Love. That’s all you need to complete your tools for a better relationship(in my opinion). Do the right thing, having somebody to trust and somebody who trusts you back are the two great things that you can have in this world. It motivates you to do better and as a man, it will make you feel like your Superman.


That’s all please leave a comment, like, and follow! Good day and God bless to you all!

What does it take to be a dad?

So yeah! I’m going to talk about what does it take to be a dad? I mean, ANYONE can be a father as long as your “manhood” is working. But to be a great dad, that is now where near it, and I’ll even state as to far from it! I get a lot of talk about, how I do it? My friends and family asks me about it, and even I don’t know how to do it. I am a young father age-wise, no denying that I didn’t wanted to be this young to be a father. But not even books nor magazines and therapy could prepare me for this!

Being a dad to my first-born, is one of the hardest things that I ever did for my entire life! Months and months of no sleep! Irregular bowel movement(it’s not by me), the occasional spray and pray poop, piss-before-diaper, the classic puke-in-the-face move, the list goes on. I even thought of “why didn’t I play with girl’s toys before” like if I only knew what I’ve know now back then. Life and being a dad would have been a breeze. There’s no preparing for this, even handbooks, how-to’s, guides, couldn’t have prepared me for this! This was for the first 8-9 months of my first-born’s life, and I wasn’t even sure what I was doing, all I knew that I was smelling like poop and puke every time I go out and get some time-off from my baby(2 hours max). Then I try to refresh my brain, watch a movie, take a nap on that movie, and back to reality again I go. I knew that being a good dad is hard, but being this hands-on and knowing that my child is trusting my with its life, I.. I couldn’t just give up half-way. I had to go all-the-way and dedicate my life to my baby. I am not the best dad, the best example to be a dad, I lead by discipline by having fun and listening to instructions given by me. If they don’t follow me, I have to make sure that they do. Because I know, that if I don’t do anything about it my children will grow up not listening to instructions, stubborn, annoying, undisciplined, and I couldn’t live it up to chance. I have to do it, because I love them so much!

Well long story short, I have two kids now! Because one is not enough, the first one wasn’t hard enough. So I had to up the ante, right? Yup, that’s what I did! While my first-born was just a baby(2 years old), I decided that. Why not, right? So yeah! My second child was born, and I tell you she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! Just like we’ve been dreaming of! An angel was given to us by God! But this time, the only difference is that I have the tools, the necessary mindset to take care of a baby.. (to be continued)

I can’t be the only one to do this, right? I love my children and I would do anything for them. They are the best thing that ever happened to me and my wife.

What it’s like to be in ME?!

So yeah! Today’s blog is going to be, what it’s like to be in my shoes. Everyday it’s the same thing, wake up at 7:30 in the morning prepare my kids’ daily milk and their breakfast. My kids are just the two most cutest babies! When I wake them up, their eyes trying to stay awake as they drink their milk. Cuties! Anyway, after they have drank all their milk it’s time for their breakfast, I prepare oats or eggs or cereals or whatever is available at the time. I heat their water for shower time, shampoo their hair and wash their bodies. I clothe them after that, prepare them for school, school bag with snacks! I send them to school.

By now, I should be starting work on my laptop. Studying new technologies and studying trends. Applying what I’ve learned into my work and such. It would only take me around 1-2 hours for my to learn it but not masterfully learned of course. I will have to test a lot, and I mean a lot of tests until I get things right. I inform my client what I’ve learned and together we innovate things to his professional life. I have no exciting things to do each day, some times if I do have money, I buy donuts for my wife and kids to indulge. But not always, I try if I can and if I can’t I just go home and play with my kids until they take their afternoon naps.

Night time, at this time I let them watch television for a little while and then put them to bed. Kiss their foreheads and I watch them as they fall asleep. As for me, not yet, no no no, I have to prepare the things that are needed for tomorrow. As they say, tomorrow starts today/tonight. Whatever. That’s it! Rinse and repeat! Good day everyone!

More about me?

This is the way I’m going to start my blogs now. With the word, “So yeah!”. Okay, so let’s try it out.

So yeah! My life, all almost 29 years of it was spent to prove something to somebody, to anybody who care. But this didn’t stop me from being the person I want to be. It may be skewed at times, well.. more than one time. Constant mistakes, trial and errors, a constant reminder that I am mediocre on some things. All that I can tell myself is, “at least I tried”, “no regrets!”, it has become my motto in life that I should try anything once and IF I do like it I’ll continue doing it, and IF I don’t like it I won’t continue with it anymore. Fun or not, I don’t get caught up in the hype. I have my own style, my own everything. I love playing sports though, any kind of sports that require physical performance, endurance, that was before.. when I was single and I had a lot of free time to exercise and do training. But now, I tell you, not anymore, maybe when my children gets older I can get back to my original shape. Hopefully! I just need to lose weight that’s all, I’m too heavy, my weight caused our sofa to cave in on parts where I lay down all the time. I think that I’m slightly overweight 20 kilos overweight! I don’t know if that counts as “slightly”. (Sigh) I would get back to my ideal weight somehow.I’m kind of athletic anyway, I’m sure.

Anyway, about my page name which is “SOMEDAYSOON”. It’s just something I thought of, with what I want to do in the future. Like, some day! I’ll be this person! Soon! like a tag line of some sort. I’ll achieve this some day! Because of being a stubborn person that I am, I can’t wait for to happen soon! Something like that. Well, that’s all for today!

Hope to see you Somedaysoon!